This is a post that I took from my last blog. I thought it would be good to post here as we, who have school age children, get back into the routine of school.
What is a habit?
Some who know me know that I loosely follow the teachings of Charlotte Mason, in our home school. I say “loosely” because I have not actually read any of her writings. I have the pleasure of knowing people who have, and am fortunate enough to live in the same area as a curriculum publishing company that publishes Miss Mason’s ideas. (
Habit forming is one of Miss Mason’s ideas. I believe it to be the most important. It not only effects school but to every day life. Infancy to adulthood. So I ask what is a habit?
The dictionary says a habit is: “a thing that a person has done so often without thinking about it that he finds it hard to stop.”
Charlotte Mason describes habits as train tracks. The train of life runs smoothly when habits (good ones) are faithfully instituted, and applied. When habits get off course or there are none laid in a particular area, the train of life will derail or become chaotic.
Our pastor at church, a few months ago, put this in the bulletin: Watch your thoughts-they become words, watch your words-they become actions, watch your actions-they become habits, watch your habits-they become your character, watch your character-it becomes your destiny.
Neuroscience shows that a repeated action of the body or the mind produces a physiological effect on the nervous system and the brain. There is literally a new "neural pathway" formed in the brain to accommodate the new habit. It becomes easier to do the thing for which there is a pathway (rail) laid down in the brain. (This was taken from a newsletter that I get)
In forming good habits, it takes patience. I believe it takes about 3 weeks of repeated action to make it habitual. It also takes watchfulness. (Watching to correct wrong behavior). Most of all it takes consistency. (Which I am not very good at).
I will be discussing this more, tomorrow.
Have a blessed day.
Don't Make Yourself A Victim
7 years ago