Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Let the Children come Volume 1

First of all, I chose to call this newsletter/update “Let the Children Come”, because of Matthew 19:14. How can the children of Haiti come to Jesus, when they are starving and have no safe place to sleep? In the verse I just referenced, Jesus goes on to say “do not hinder them…” Right now most of them are hindered, because of their circumstances. A starving child can’t physically listen to you teach the Gospel. My prayer for my trip is that the Lord will help me to alleviate some of their suffering, and then teach them. I plan to love those children, like a momma should.

Some of the team that will be traveling with me to Haiti will be staying and ministering in the tent community of Sous Savanne, a village of about 300 families. Despite the millions of dollars and aid sent to Haiti, this group of weary people has received very little help. They live under bent sticks and torn bed sheets. They've not had luxury items like soap or toothpaste since the quake, until just recently.

My funding right now is $787, about 71.5%. Only about $325 to go!

Here are some Prayer requests:
1) Health and safety for my team.
2) That we can reach the Haitian people for Christ
3) That we learn from the Haitian people.
4) Funds and supplies needed to help Sous Savanne

Needed Items:
Soaps, good used or new tents, tarps, clothing, blankets, baby bottles, canvas cots, Rain ponchos, Children’s raincoats

If you can help in some way please let me know! If you would like to see pictures please visit

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